让·保罗·乔维特(Jean Paul Chauvet)

让·保罗·乔维特(Jean Paul Chauvet) ,,,,导向器

Lightspeed的董事会于2022年2月2日任命JP Chauvet担任首席执行官。

Chauvet joined Lightspeed in October 2012 as Chief Revenue Officer and became a board member in September 2013. In April 2016, he was named President and throughout his tenure had been integral to advancing Lightspeed’s mission, including leading many of the Company’s strategic acquisitions, its listings on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange, and leading the launch and growth of the Lightspeed Payments platform. Chauvet has also overseen the Company’s robust customer growth worldwide.

凭借超过17年的技术领导经验和战略意义,JP一直是Lightspeed持续增长的关键要素。通过制定Lightspeed的上市策略并采取更直接的方法来吸引独立企业,他帮助为全球范围内的150,000多个零售和酒店客户提供了最先进的技术。在加入Lightspeed之前,Chauvet先生在欧洲和亚洲的ATEX集团中担任过各种领导职务,他的最后一位首席执行官是EMEA。在加入ATEX之前,Chauvet先生是Nstein Technologies的副总裁,销售和营销,从2000年到2005年,他是Ixiasoft Technologies Inc.的副总裁,销售和营销。