一般——光速社区 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/ 星期五,2022年8月12日21:38:41 + 0000 一般——光速社区 产品订单价格动态变化的 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7483/change-product-order-price-dynamically 星期二,2022年7月26日05:21:57 + 0000 一般 扎克 7483 @ / en /讨论


I am looking for changing the product order price dynamically. For example - On product details page, I will have size in cm (centimeters) with - and + buttons. using these buttons, size would increase and every 0.5 cm increase will have 0.2 increase in price. I can increase visually by javascript however I am not sure how to hold the price on cart page?

Product A will have default price of $100 added in Ecom's backend, on product details page we have size box with -/+ now if an visitor increase the size and price increases to $101.20 how will this product be added in cart with new modified price of $101.20 ?

Anyone can guide me?



搜索太宽 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/4440/search-too-broad 坐,2021年2月20日15:09:57 + 0000 一般 玛丽亚 4440 @ / en /讨论

I need to changed the search engine statement so that is only searches FULL TITLE and TAGS. The search function is too much of a deep dive and customers are not finding items.

Please Advise

安全库存与砖和迫击炮和易康姆商店 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7290/safety-stock-for-store-with-brick-mortar-and-ecom 2022年结婚,08年6月17:00:24 + 0000 一般 feraldenver 7290 @ / en /讨论 < p >与我们先前的POS系统是一种“安全库存”级别适用于一个项目,以便库存缓冲水平防止实现问题。例如,在砖和迫击炮的环境中,项目可能然后出售在线商店销售之前我们有机会把它易康姆秩序。这可能发生很轻易与高容量的物品。< / p > < p >与我们之前的POS系统我们会设置一个安全库存高容量的1项,如果我们只剩下1股票的高容量项易康姆平台不知道渲染,物品在我们的网站上。你可以设置这个项目具体层面。低容量项目我们不会设定安全库存水平。< / p > < p >这是一个差距在光速的产品。我们真的需要这个选项继续使用光速的电子商务平台与我们的砖和砂浆的位置。< / p > 排序或过滤收集页面上脱销 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6788/sort-or-filter-by-out-of-stock-on-collection-page 星期四,2022年3月03 18:21:25 + 0000 一般 扎克 6788 @ / en /讨论


Is there any option on collection page where I can show product listing sort by availability like "out of stock" or "in stock" products?

If it's not possible in sorting then any way I can show these within filters or sidebar?

I tried to find in docs however didn't find anything.

Please suggest.



柯柏走tussen光速en Twinfield werkt不行米尔 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7073/koppeling-tussen-lightspeed-en-twinfield-werkt-niet-meer 星期四,2022年4月21日09:29:35 + 0000 一般 ErwinB 7073 @ / en /讨论 2022年< p >信德12 januari科曼德订单外的光速不行米尔binnen bij Twinfield。锄头说te herstellen吗?< / p > < p >支持Twinfield verwijst naar andersom光速。光速verwijst mijνnaar om柯柏走te herstellen说平台。< / p > < p > Alvast bedankt。< / p > 易康姆搜索不足 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/3279/ecom-search-insufficient 2020年5月04日星期一23:07:03 + 0000 一般 AzT 3279 @ / en /讨论 < p >寻找一些洞察一个问题我们与客户的网站上的搜索功能。尤其是矩阵,我们希望客户能够找到一个项目,可能是在一个矩阵而不是自己的项目。例如,如果我们有一个矩阵自行车轮胎和有多个大小目前搜索“22”轮胎”将返回任何结果。我们有很多产品是一样的,除了颜色和想要在一个矩阵所以客户不会被压垮的结果,但到目前为止,似乎这就意味着如果他们寻找颜色而不是项目将不会返回任何结果。我们如何解决这个问题? < / p > XML站点地图hreflang https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6173/xml-sitemap-with-hreflangs 星期四,2021年11月04 09:51:00 + 0000 一般 Philipfr 6173 @ / en /讨论 < p >谁能帮助与hreflang创建xml网站地图?< / p > < p >我们的网站在4种语言。< / p > < p >开发人员不能在代码中。< / p > < p >唯一的解决方案是使用XML网站地图。< / p > 整合、值得触摸屏 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7257/integrating-elo-touch-screen 星期四,02年0000年6月2022 18:54:09 + 一般 lroldan 7257 @ / en /讨论

Has anyone successfully integrated the Lightspeed inventory management to their Elo touch screen? If so, was it through the Elo backpack or Windows?

订单webhook停止工作 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7217/order-webhook-stopped-working 2022年5月25日结婚08:21:42 + 0000 一般 RPVB 7217 @ / en /讨论


Does anyone also has problems with the orders/shipped webhook. Untill yesterday 24 may 2022 at 22:46 it was working fine. Now this morning 25 may 2022 it stop working. Sometimes it works but there is no data in the webhook.

不断融合与易康姆客户零售 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7166/continually-merging-customers-from-retail-with-ecom 2022年5月13日星期五16:47:29 + 0000 一般 Uncle_Milton 7166 @ / en /讨论

Is there no way for ecom to see that a new customer to online ordering is an existing in store customer?? we are continually ending up with dup customer records when a regular in store shopper buys something on line and creates their account.... no way around this??

礼品卡 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7063/gift-cards 坐,2022年4月16日23:56:29 + 0000 一般 翠丝特 7063 @ / en /讨论

I have recently activated the LS gift cards on our website and I am astounded at how basic they are. A few simple coding changes are all that is needed to make these function relatively well but it seems LS has no interest in putting forth a little effort. I am to the point where I am about to just turn them off. It is ridiculous that I have to follow a gift card purchase up with an email to the recipient explaining who the gift card is from and another to the purchaser explaining that we have sent an email to the recipient explaining who the gift card was from. My points here are not new, I have seen every point I am making multiple times here in this community with no response from LS. But I will list out the problems again.

1- There needs to be a section where the purchaser can enter who the gift card is from.

2- There needs to be a section where the purchaser can enter a message.

3- There needs to be a delayed date and time for the gift card to be sent.

4- There needs to be a few blocks in the setup where we can upload our own images.

That's it. As it is now, the recipient receives an email with the gift card and has no idea who it is from, actually the email states in the subject heading that it is from us....another problem.

These are not difficult changes to make but it seems that LS has a really big problem with implementing small simple changes that make a lot of sense to the end user, your development team should try talking with some of us, we know what works and what doesn't.

It is my hope that someone from LS can reply to this with a concrete solution, not the typical "we will send a request".

And, by the way, all those lovely emails you send out asking if I would recommend LS, the answer is no and this is why. And this is coming from someone who has been with LS since 2011, I am honestly at my wits end.

你打算什么时候把定价在POS易康姆吗 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/3287/when-are-you-going-to-integrate-the-pricing-in-pos-with-ecom 2020年5月07日星期四17:55:39 + 0000 一般 trueoutdoors 3287 @ / en /讨论

Maybe I am missing something as we are new to Lightspeed but have been running a retail store and Retail Pro software for 16 years. We have been online with Magento for 5 years and I do not understand why you have sell Lightspeed Retail and Lightspeed Ecom modules as an omnichannel solution and there is no code for them to communicate with each other on pricing?

For example when we reduce the online pricing in our POS for a matrix of products we assume it would synch up to our web store. It would then show a price change from the original MSRP price and mark it with a red slash and sale, as this is how our previous system worked.

 However when we do mark downs we have to manually enter the MSRP into eCom for each item, for price mark ups we have to manually remove the MSRP from eCom for each item. This makes no sense as it increases the amount of work us retailer have to do by two fold.

Someone please tell me I am missing something or someone tell me that this is going to be fixed asap?

下属 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7074/affiliate 星期四,2022年4月21日09:41:29 + 0000 一般 Leffelaer克里斯托夫 7074 @ / en /讨论 < p >谁有下属的经验?tradetracker、awin dayscon或其他? < / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >我们犹豫地使用这个,但是通过trustpilot我们读很多不好的经历。< / p > < p >谢谢< / p > Api删除图片 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6974/api-deleting-images 星期五,2022年4月1日11:41:18 + 0000 一般 ThijsM 6974 @ / en /讨论

Some of our images that are under Tools --> Files, keep getting deleted. For some reason every now and then, some images just disappear. I asked lightspeed support and they say it could be an API issue. Not sure why an api would delete these files at random. So I was hoping someone knows more about this?

I never know what images are going te be removed and always find them when a craw tool says there are broken image links.Tnx!

设置自由如果运输方法是£0.00 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6250/setting-free-if-shipping-method-is-0-00 星期五,2021年11月19日17:22:39 + 0000 一般 阿巴斯 6250 @ / en /讨论 < p > < br / > < / p > < p >会有人知道如何一个敌我识别语句添加到购物车的这一部分的代码显示了钱吗?

Instead of displaying 0.00 we would like it to display free

         {% if shop.b2b %}

          <span> ({{ method.price_excl | money }})</span>

         {% else %}

          <span> ({{ method.price_incl | money }})</span>

         {% endif %}

They are discussing a similar thing here


This is what we need to display

Instead of this

Thank you in advance for any help

Custum饲料 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6532/custum-feed 星期一,2022年1月17日13:58:27 + 0000 一般 Leffelaer克里斯托夫 6532 @ / en /讨论 < p >你好,我需要一些帮助< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >我想把custum标签在每一个产品在一个特定类别使用谷歌购物。< / p > < p >类似:< / p > < p >如果类别= ' abc ' custum_label_0 =“我女士新”< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >有人可以帮助我细枝的确切代码放入我的饲料吗? < / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >谢谢< / p > 如何出口只有某些易康姆物品吗? https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6891/how-to-export-only-certain-ecom-items 星期二,2022年3月22日04:31:10 + 0000 一般 bfod 6891 @ / en /讨论 < p >寻求出口项目相匹配的搜索结果,不是出口整个库存。我发现这个功能在哪里? < / p > 有可能使用光速Cloudflare吗? https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6816/is-it-possible-to-use-lightspeed-with-cloudflare 星期四,2022年3月10 10:33:58 + 0000 一般 对偶问题 6816 @ / en /讨论 < p >我只是尝试着点定义域cloudflare DNS光速。但我有以下错误。我跟着光速的域部分中的步骤管理面板。< / p > < h2 > < / h2 > < h2 > CNAME Cross-User禁止发生了什么事?< / h2 > < p >你在一个网站,请求一个页面是Cloudflare网络的一部分。主机配置为一个CNAME跨Cloudflare的账户,由安全策略禁止。< / p > 显示单独的账单和航运地址 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6139/display-separate-billing-shipping-addresses 0000年结婚,2021年10月27日21:57:06 + 一般 ngilson 6139 @ / en /讨论 < p >嘿LSR团队——< / p > < p >失踪的另一个基本功能是能够打印不同的账单地址和送货地址在发票上。我震惊了,这不是一个特性,因为我认为这是真正的第一次我的成年生活中有不同的地址不是一个选择。< / p > < p >我卖打印机的客户与租赁公司工作。我的发票需要反映日前出售给租赁公司,和产品被运往客户。根据技术支持,这不是一个功能。< / p > 没有即时聊天可以在光速的零售账户! https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6676/no-live-chat-available-on-either-of-our-lightspeed-retail-accounts 星期五,2022年2月11日17:02:22 + 0000 一般 SJW 6676 @ / en /讨论 < p >我们没有即时聊天可用三天了。只是建立一个新的账户和商店将在几天,我没有聊天的人无法完成安装。是别人有问题即时聊天? < / p > 有可能将整个E-coms复制到另一个环境? https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6504/is-it-possible-to-copy-entire-e-coms-to-another-environment 0000年结婚,2022年1月12日15:06:02 + 一般 Ims 6504 @ / en /讨论 < p >嘿!< / p > < p >我想知道是否有可能将整个E-coms复制到另一个环境中建立一个开发环境中所有类别的信息存在,等。< / p > 礼品卡 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/967/gift-cards 0000年结婚,2018年9月26日18:32:40 + 一般 adlamoureux 967 @ / en /讨论 两年前当我第一次拿到这个系统我被告知接受礼品卡在线发展路线图。我们在哪里? ? ?讨厌,有各种各样的愚蠢事情的解决方案被广泛接受在其他平台上。 Auto-Print易康姆订单 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6455/auto-print-ecom-orders 坐,2022年1月01 03:12:40 + 0000 一般 whappycannabis 6455 @ / en /讨论 < p > <强>所有你易康姆订单热打印机自动打印< / >强就被放置在你的客户在你易康姆商店。< / p > < p >我已经在这工作一段时间,现在已经使用我自己的光速易康姆存储超过一年以惊人的结果。< / p > < p >不再登录易康姆管理和刷新订单页面,看看新的东西进来,然后下载PDF版本的订单和打印一张8.5 * 11的纸,等什么头痛!< / p > < p > LSPrint,你所有的订单会在你的热打印机打印,你无须做任何事。这就像魔术。把你的打印机任何你想要的,只要你有一个局域网连接,它将工作。可以在你的后备储存,在你的储藏室,在厨房里……< / p > < p > < a href = " https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/home/leaving?allowTrusted=1&目标= https % % 2 f % 2 3 flsapp.ca % 2 flsprint”rel = " nofollow noreferrer ugc " >查看免费测试版< / >的第一个版本开始手动连接。< / p > < p >请注意此服务仅适用于两个特定热打印机从明星微所以你可能不得不买一个新的打印机。相信我,这将是值得的!< / p > < p >网站很梗概,但这个想法是你设置它,忘记它。< / p > < p >让我知道你们都在想什么!

LSPrint Getting Started Guide.pdf

请求的选项 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6431/request-options 周五,2021年12月24日10:21:24 + 0000 一般 扎克 6431 @ / en /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我非常新Lightspeedhq易康姆。我想只加载一个图像为web或桌面而不是移动或ipad。< / p > < p >我见过有选择这个像request.device.platform request.device.type等等……, however if i put condition like request.device.platform then again which value should i put condition. For example {% if request.device.platform == ? %} which value should replace ? here? would it be "web", desktop etc..., I am not able to figure this out.

I am using request.device.mobile but that is not working, it work in mobile but not in case of Ipad or tablet.

Please provide me details about request.device.platform and/or request.device.type, it can solve my problem.

Please guide.



礼品卡代码不是可选的 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/5887/gift-card-code-not-optional 星期五,2021年9月10日23:27:09 + 0000 一般 JasonRoberts 5887 @ / en /讨论 < p >新的礼品卡模块,他们添加了一些额外的字段和礼品卡代码一个可选的字段。我知道这将是一个问题,今天。< / p > < p >塑料条编码礼品卡印刷,每指示我们当我们迁移到光速零售。最初我们就进入了数量,然后扫描了卡,但这种变化现在可以跳过扫描卡,我的一个人。尽管备忘录我们发送礼品卡代码告诉我们的团队,不是可选的,必须扫描一张卡片。< / p > < p >客户进来今天使用塑料卡他得到这余额为零。为什么?因为数量已经应用于随机生成的礼品卡号码。< / p > < p >这一领域需要一个切换,所以我们可以让它不再可选。< / p > < p >我真的希望光速停止“修复”的东西没有破碎。最初的系统是万无一失。新一不是。< / p > 交流,退款 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6306/exchanges-to-refunds 星期二,2021年11月30日21:43:56 + 0000 一般 trailmark 6306 @ / en /讨论 < p >请阅读这个,告诉我如果你已经找到了工作,这是一个重大缺陷的l系统! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

When a customer purchases an item (lets say for $100.00) and then exchanges for an item for (lets say $150.00) and then subsequently returns the exchanged item, the LightspeedPOS and Lightspeed Payment system only allows a refund of the up charged amount (in this instance $50.00). How ridiculous is it that we are unable to refund the customer the entire sale amount?

We've contacted Lightspeeed and their recommendation was to create a "miscellaneous sale" to perform a refund (which by the way has to be processed via the "old interface" on an iPad as you cannot perform this type of transaction from the current "new interface". When I attempt to perform a "miscellaneous sale" for a negative balance and use the "refund to a different card" option we get a pop up that says:

"Unable to refund using another card"

"Your payment gateway does not allow this type of refund"

Lightspeed also offered us the solution of cutting a check to the customer or issuing a cash refund (which is not how our company operates).

I hope the developers at Lightspeed read this message and create a new way of performing this type of transaction as it is a MAJOR flaw in the system and is really hanging us retailers out to dry which in turn leaves our valued customers out to dry.

易康姆礼品卡的问题 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6357/ecom-gift-card-problems 2021年12月结婚,08年02:43:59 + 0000 一般 AlexBeaudet 6357 @ / en /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >只是激活易康姆尝试新的礼品卡模块,使其工作。有一些问题…< / p > < ol > <李>使用新的付款页面购买礼品卡时没有付款选项。使用旧的结帐工作。李李< / > < >不可能删除购物车的礼品卡。李李< / > < >后台可以放在任何礼品卡的最小值(比如1或10美元)但实际上buy-gift-card页面上的字段验证要求最低25美元。李李< / > < >我们在法国和我能够翻译页面上的几乎所有但以下:字段验证错误电子邮件和定制的数量。< /李> < / ol > < p >编辑:它已经几个小时,似乎我设置的最小值在后台(10美元)不能正常工作。我只是将它设置为1美元,明天上午将再次测试。< / p > Dropshipping https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/3265/dropshipping 星期四,2020年4月30日15:37:21 + 0000 一般 Thelaptopbag 3265 @ / en /讨论 < p > Waar菅直人翼运输机aanbieders vinden吗?本土知识会mijn联合verhogen . < / p > 503年维护 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6202/503-under-maintenance 0000年结婚,2021年11月10 08:45:55 + 一般 Whiskysite1 6202 @ / en /讨论 < p >米尔mensen deze融合在de backoffice ? < / p > ECWID https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6098/ecwid 星期四,2021年10月21日11:40:19 + 0000 一般 Philipfr 6098 @ / en /讨论 < p >光速最近买了Ecwid。< / p > < p >谁知道光速将做什么?< / p > < p > Ecwid的应用可以光速很快吗? < / p >