安全&付款——光速社区 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/ 2022年8月20,星期六22:17:29 + 0000 安全&付款——光速社区 主要问题:资产历史报告 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7470/major-concern-asset-history-reporting 星期四,2022年7月21日20:53:29 + 0000 安全与支付 gareth_e 7470 @ / en /讨论 < p >也许我出去午餐,如果有人注意到我做错了这一程序随意跳转,但是……< / p > < p >为保险目的我们必须报告每月库存资产从两个位置。看起来很直接。So I go to Reports -> History -> enter April 1 2022 for example, "all locations" and click generate. Download the file, select the total cost column and excel autosums it for me. I get X total cost value.

Now I go to Lightspeed Analytics, find the historical asset report, open it, pop the same date in (April 1 2022), and use the report download function to get a CSV, carefully making sure I toggle the option for it to not limit the rows so that I get all the data. Open in excel, find the total cost column, autosum. Note: as with the previous report, I make it filter on all locations, and I know it it doing this correctly because there's a location column for this and I see both stores. BUT: when I autosum this second report in the same manner as the previous one, it gives me a completely different number than the inventory value of the previous report.

So now I'm confused. But I remember that previously, the support team had given me a link to an historical inventory report within LS Retail, and I have it bookmarked. I find the bookmark and open it (https://us.merchantos.com/?name=reports.inventory.listings.asset_history&form_name=listing). I put the same date in, April 1 2022, toggle once again for ALL Locations and generate the report. As opposed to the previous two, this one doesn't do a file download but rather just indicated the total cost of historical inventory assets at the bottom. When I run this report, it gives me YET ANOTHER DIFFERENT NUMBER.

Let's call it report 1, 2 and 3. Report 1 gives me ~2.6M$ Report 2 gives me ~2.1M$ and report 3 gives me ~2.3M$.

So the burning question is which number is the accurate one? Again, all reports were generated inclusive of all inventory locations. How am I supposed to accurately report my assets for insurance purposes? Say the building burns down and I gave them the wrong number...

Again, if there's something I did wrong I'm fully willing to re-evalute the process I took, but otherwise this just seems to be another situation where I'm left feeling like Lightspeed is a joke.

苹果支付 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/2027/apple-pay 星期一,2019年6月3日13:52:30 + 0000 安全与支付 sacredheart926 2027 @ / en /讨论 < p >有没有办法苹果支付? ! ? ! ? ! ? < / p > 订单没有付款 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/7311/order-without-payment 星期二,2022年6月14日19:48:48 + 0000 安全与支付 ralphq 7311 @ / en /讨论 < p >我们订单,等待付款的消息。似乎有违直觉,可以生成一个订单,接受光速没有付款授权。< / p > 修改购买按钮的代码 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6702/modify-buy-button-code 星期二,2022年2月15日20:30:17 + 0000 安全与支付 Franko 6702 @ / en /讨论 大家好,< p > < / p > < p >我们需要修改提交函数附加到买在我们店里(“Acheter”)按钮光速做额外的验证。< / p > < p >不幸的是我相信结帐脚本执行submit函数标准化所有商店和我们不直接访问它。这是位于< a href = " https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/home/leaving?allowTrusted=1&目标3 = https % % 2 f % 2 fcdn.shoplightspeed.com % 2 fassets % 2 fcheckout % 2 fcheckout.js % 3 f2021-06-28 % 3 f10”rel = " nofollow noreferrer ugc " > https://cdn.shoplightspeed.com/assets/checkout/checkout.js?2021-06-28?10 < / > < / p > < p >有没有办法将submit函数换成我们自己的?这将是99%的相同,但更多的验证。< / p > < p >我们已经访问定制JS文件在项目(如global.js)。However we fear anything we do in them will be overwritten by the checkout script.

(My first attempt at this problem consisted in adding another function in the onclick before $('#gui-form').submit()) but the onclick attribute gets reset automatically).

Any help greatly appreciated

支付Pal表达错误 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/1265/pay-pal-express-errors 星期五,2018年11月30日20:28:47 + 0000 安全与支付 阿巴斯 1265 @ / en /讨论 < div >我们正在经历一个unaceptable弃车和表达认为罪魁祸首是PayPal付款。结账时未完全祝辞的直接联系;付款/支付,不解决带你回贝宝选择付款选项。< br / > < / div > < div > < br / > < / div > < div >的第二个错误是表达检测。我错误10月18日报道,什么也没有做!< br / > < / div > < div > < br / > < / div > < div >这是一场噩梦与贝宝表达结帐。具体的错误是与该地区的送货地址但补充说这个过程是缓慢的沉闷,让你wanto哭泣。如果蜱虫箱运送到一个不同的地址什么也不会发生。你应该做什么?之后才需要大量的猜测和巨大努力的用户,他们可能dicover,您必须单击更新订单数据做出改变的交货细节。 If they do not discover this then I understand why someone would not choose to persue an order using Lightspeed's buggy and poorly engineered checkout.

In over 6 weeks the issue has been reported and I explained that it was having an effect on cart abandonment.
Why has this not been fixed - it is happening on a tablet and on desktop

Giftcard为老茱莉安用户迁移 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/6077/giftcard-migration-for-old-skool-users 坐,2021年10月16日21:44:41 + 0000 安全与支付 vividprint 6077 @ / en /讨论 < p >任何时间当遗留用户将他们的礼品卡搬到新版本吗?另一个假期是我们和这个工作就好了。< / p > 从最初交易退款——匹配销售税 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/5801/refund-match-sales-tax-from-original-transaction 星期五,2021年8月27日02:43:31 + 0000 安全与支付 starr109 5801 @ / en /讨论 < p >如果我们销售没有默认销售税(例如,一个免税销售),当我们去退款交易退款已经默认销售税,而不是匹配的销售税从原来的事务。最终我们可以退还客户原始金额超过他们支付,因为除非我们手动改变它,他们会退还他们没有支付的营业税。< / p > 寻找一些我配置一个易康姆Easypost和gaetway付款 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/5633/looking-for-some-one-to-configure-my-ecom-with-easypost-and-payment-gaetway 妈,02年2021年8月14:01:13 + 0000 安全与支付 Bashar_zaraholding 5633 @ / en /讨论 < p >亲爱的< / p > < p >可以帮助任何一个支持我开始配置eComm easypost和支付网关< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >认为巴沙尔< / p > < p > < / p > 条纹SCA(强大的客户认证准备) https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/2759/stripe-sca-strong-customer-authentication-readiness 结婚,2019年12月11日10:24:25 + 0000 安全与支付 urbntribe 2759 @ / en /讨论 < p >你好!有人设法处理这个新的需求吗?Stripe is asking to update our integration to support SCA but we dont have any coders in our team and it is not clear what we have to do to fulfill those requirements...?

光速付款,退款问题 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/4468/lightspeed-payment-refund-issues 结婚,2021年2月24日01:46:55 + 0000 安全与支付 《墨子 4468 @ / en /讨论 < p >退款没有深思熟虑,真的需要紧急修复。< / p > < ol > <李>当我取消订单,我忘记选择退款选项,然后我不能回去,处理退款了。我要打电话到光速支付处理退款。李李< / > < >如果我确实记得处理退款然后没有状态告诉我如果钱是退还多少?所有取消订单的列表看起来相同的订单是否退还。也许应该为“退款”另一列显示的金额退还。李李< / > < >我处理退款,因为没有办法确定如果订单被退回系统让我处理另一个退款。这是危险的。系统应该不允许退款的原始金额< /李> < / ol > < p > < br / > < / p > 不完整的信用卡支付3 d安全 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/4814/incomplete-credit-card-payments-3d-secure 妈,05年4月2021 14:12:58 + 0000 安全与支付 安安 4814 @ / en /讨论 < p >我们经历很多失败的信用卡支付。信用卡支付是标记为“不完整”的条纹,3 d安全问题“客户未能验证与3 d安全”。< / p > < p >告诉光速,3 d安全尚未集成。不过,它需要兼容在欧洲新的SCA验证规则。< / p > < p >需要一个解决方案,失去客户。有人有问题和/或以某种方式解决吗? < / p > 登录到其他账户 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/4738/login-into-other-accounts 坐,2021年3月27日11:11:50 + 0000 安全与支付 Renee86 4738 @ / en /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >帐户所有者,是否可以登录到其他账户内的商店甚至你没有密码? < / p > 欺诈防范 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/931/fraud-prevention 0000年结婚,2018年9月19日16:24:11 + 安全与支付 MOSC 931 @ / en /讨论 当我看到光速有一组非常基本的要点有关预防欺诈这里(< rel =“nofollow”href = " / en / home /离开? allowTrusted = 1,目标3 = http % % 2 f % 2 fecom-support.lightspeedhq.com % 2 fhc % 2 fen-us % 2 farticles % 2 f115001881054-minimizing-chargebacks-by-detecting-fraudulent-orders-nb——“title =“链接:/ en / home /离开? allowTrusted = 1,目标3 = http % % 2 f % 2 fecom-support.lightspeedhq.com % 2 fhc % 2 fen-us % 2 farticles % 2 f115001881054-minimizing-chargebacks-by-detecting-fraudulent-orders-nb——“> https://ecom-support.lightspeedhq.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001881054-Minimizing-chargebacks-by-detecting-fraudulent-orders-NB- < / >),这真的只是掠过水面。< br / > < br / >,以防别人需要更多的帮助,下面是一些额外的点我发现一路上:< br / > < br / > Authorize.net曾经有过一个好篇关于防止欺诈,但他们已经下来。这里有几个有用的技巧是:< br / > < br / > 1)银行本查找< rel =“nofollow”href = " / en / home /离开? allowTrusted = 1,目标3 = https % % 2 f % 2 fbinlist.net % 2 f > https://binlist.net/ < / >(卡)的前4位数< br / > < ul > <李>你可以问你的信用卡处理器的前4位数卡用于欺诈;他们确定开证行。当你打电话给发卡银行,您的商人号码,你的电话号码,客户的全名,地址,和电话号码好了。你可以问发卡银行进行礼节性拜访客户来验证。(加拿大帝国商业银行拒绝这样做在我们Cayan惨败;他们似乎并不关心这些卡片被用于欺诈。)< /李> < / ul > 2)如果你在美国你可以投诉:< br / > < ul > <李> < rel =“nofollow”href = " / en / home /离开? allowTrusted = 1,目标3 = https % % 2 f % 2 fcomplaint.ic3.gov % 2 fdefault.aspx”> https://complaint.ic3.gov/default.aspx < / > < /李> <李>你需要你被骗金额的美元价值,包括退款费用,我认为。< /李> < / ul > 3)建立“延期政策”对于金额大的订货。李< br / > < ul > < >大订单的金额可以如果订单是国内或国际的不同而异。在24小时内报告的大多数信用卡盗窃。即使假的信用卡号码是由零售商发现,它可以24小时对这个数字被包括在卡处理器使用的数据库。(这没有帮助假客户使用真实情况,偷来的信用卡。  When I tracked down the customers via their name and address they looked at their accounts and told me there were numerous fraudulent charges, some of which were 14 days previous.)Finally, the best (but not foolproof) method I've found for verifying a suspicious, large-value purchase is to use Google and try to track down the customers by name and address (In one case I found them by a family car dealership, another one by an obituary).  In both of those cases the credit cards used were stolen.  In another case I was able to verify a high-ticket purchase as genuine.

There is a user-curated list of fraudulent customers, here, that you can search: http://badbuyerlist.org/

And we've started passing the shipper's insurance surcharge through to the customers and requiring a signature on high-value purchases.  So far this seems to be helping.
电子钱包 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/4315/digital-wallet 星期四,2021年1月28日13:14:48 + 0000 安全与支付 OliOnline 4315 @ / en /讨论 < p >当用户选择一个送货地址(从“条纹数字钱包弹出”),送货地址的postalCode返回并不完整,它只包含3个字符,即使我的钱包上的地址是6个字符。< / p > < p >之后,使用Ajax调用获取航运方法可用(/美国/快递/ digitalwallet / getShippingMethods /)着返回任何运输方法,因为postalCode并不完整。如果我手动编辑请求包括完整的postalCode,它的工作原理。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >这个问题仍然发生即使在“基本Lighspeed购物车”(没有自定义代码)< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >知道如何解决这个问题吗? < / p > 用户可以储备产品 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/4293/possible-for-user-to-reserve-a-product 太阳,2021年1月24日20:35:49 + 0000 安全与支付 ridehousecycles 4293 @ / en /讨论 < p >首先你好!< / p > < p >我们打开一个新的自行车店在多伦多,我需要一些帮助!< / p > < p >是一种有潜在客户把预订/支付一辆自行车吗?< / p > < p >我没有看到类似的东西。< / p > < p >,可以打开/关闭储备现在!按钮或东西。< / p > 马克斯费用支付 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/4035/max-cost-for-payment 星期四,2020年11月26日05:46:11 + 0000 安全与支付 speeters 4035 @ / en /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >已经有大量的选项我们可以设置,但是有一个失踪。< / p > < p >说你想要一个贝宝支付的成本的2.5%。< / p > < p >但你不想要的成本超过5€,设定一个最大成本(也许还最低成本)。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >这是添加2在支付额外的字段配置器和考虑他们在计算成本。< / p > < p >是一个开发人员自己,这是一个无需用脑的事,我想很容易实现。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >问候,< / p > < p >斯文。彼得斯< / p > 定制支付提供者集成 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/2674/custom-payment-provider-integration 星期四,2019年11月14日09:40:13 + 0000 安全与支付 普拉 2674 @ / en /讨论 < p >我看积分支付供应商不提供eComm后台。有人能够帮助我在需要遵循哪些步骤? < / p > 礼品卡支付吗? https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/2503/payment-with-gift-card 星期一,2019年10月07 15:05:07 + 0000 安全与支付 universeboardshop 2503 @ / en /讨论 < p >嘿伙计们,有可能使一个选项和礼品卡支付吗? < / p > < p >谢谢。< / p > 通过外部支付方式不能取消订单 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/2158/cannot-cancel-order-via-external-payment-method 妈,08年7月2019 10:50:40 + 0000 安全与支付 Richard_CardGate 2158 @ / en /讨论 < p >你好支持,< / p > < p >,这是真的,取消订单的唯一方法就是通过光速易康姆管理?< / p > < p >我已经建立了一个外部CardGate支付方式,当我端点提供了订单状态“支付”,这个没问题。< / p > < p >然而,当我调用webhook_url订单时,和我的端点提供“取消”或“过期”状态的订单,在管理,订单仍然与“等待付款”状态。< / p > < p >对吗? < / p > SagePay付款服务提供者 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/2036/sagepay-as-payment-service-provider 2019年结婚,05年6月09:21:50 + 0000 安全与支付 mikespencer 2036 @ / en /讨论

Hi, Has anyone successfully used SagePay with Lightspeed eCom? If so, what was required? Thanks

EMT付款并提供付款折扣 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/1998/emt-payment-and-offering-payment-discounts 星期四,2019年5月23日14:36:59 + 0000 安全与支付 agscanada 1998 @ / en /讨论 < p >我们发现许多客户正在询问他们是否可以支付通过EMT(电子邮件汇款)< / p > < p >我们创建一个发票付款选项,请寄给我们列出EMT付款,但从营销的角度来看我想提供一个2%的折扣自动应用于订单如果他们选择这个选项。< / p > < p >是这东西可以应用到易康姆支付? < / p > 苹果支付集成? https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/1624/apple-pay-integration 结婚,2019年2月20日18:34:58 + 0000 安全与支付 runninglab 1624 @ / en /讨论

Does anyone know if there is a payment plugin for this currently available for the checkout process? Would love to offer this as a payment option as its becoming more mainstream on popular sites.

有问题将贝宝与新网站 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/1585/having-problems-integrating-paypal-with-new-website 星期一,2019年2月11日10:09:09 + 0000 安全与支付 世界报》 1585 @ / en /讨论 < p >你好,有人与他们的新贝宝集成时遇到任何问题易康姆网站?< / p > < p >我们设置过程后,所有被支持,一切就绪。我们已经试过三个贝宝账户…没有什么!< / p > < p >似乎没有人能够找到一个故障与贝宝我的帐户和他们认为光速需要调查他们的设置。< / p > < p >所有支持是快,表面上很有帮助,但我们仍然不接受网上订单付款。< / p > < / p > < p >杆 Cayan和退款 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/183/cayan-and-chargebacks 星期二,2017年10月31日18:33:46 + 0000 安全与支付 dsteinbeck 183 @ / en /讨论 不知道别人经历过这个,但是我们使用Cayan易康姆非常令人失望的和昂贵的。Their fraud detection (for ecom) is almost non-existent. We have received multiple orders that come to us from Cayan as approved, but when looking deeper, the AVS criteria was not met, the address did not match, the 3 digit code did not match and they sent it through as approved. Our shipping staff do their best to identify fraudulent orders, but we have still lost thousands of dollars in merchandise. We switched to Stripe in hopes that their fraud detection is better. Posted this more as a warning to others regarding Cayan, but are interested in seeing if others have experienced the same thing. 移动:确保webhook请求 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/894/moved-securing-webhook-request 星期一,9月10日2018 08:32:04 + 0000 安全与支付 安东尼奥 894 @ / en /讨论 这个讨论一直< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/892/securing-webhook-request " > < / >。 支付宝和微信 https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/467/alipay-and-wechat-pay 2018年5月结婚,02年10:39:34 + 0000 安全与支付 QS86 467 @ / en /讨论 光速提供了条纹集成,但并非所有的支付选项提供。条纹发起了中国选择支付宝付款和微信支付。2017年中期。这些可以在光速? 条纹POS支付和电子商务… https://community.lightspeedhq.com/en/discussion/59/stripe-payments-for-pos-and-ecommerce 星期二,2016年8月30日13:15:36 + 0000 安全与支付 亚历克斯 59 @ / en /讨论 At the moment we are using shopify as our online store, and I sync inventory between LS and Shopify using API scripts I've developed. The reason we haven't moved to LS is the payment processing, basically we use shopify payments powerd by stripe for online store AS well as whenever we go mobile we use shopify card reader and their POS to enter the payments (while we enter the sale through LS), which is kind of a pain but at least we can receive payment that way. If we can get stripe payment on the Ecommerce (which I think the rep guy told me it can) and as well as in the LS retail POS that would be great. If not then we would have to use another app for the payment process. How are other users in Canada doing this? what payment process are they using? Another thing is there seems to be two separate application between Retail and Ecommerce, be nice to be able to manage both online and POS from one application.